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Shipping LCL agent glass engraving machine export India case

Product information

  Products: Glass engraving machine
  Mode of trade: General trade
  Mode of transport: Sea, LCL, Tianjin New Port - Mumbai New Port, India
  Documents: export verification, customs declaration, contract, packing list, invoice, etc
Shipping LCL agent glass engraving machine export India case

I. Operation process:
  Sign with customerAuthorized export agentAgreement, the customer pays the agency fee, determine the product information (name, number of pieces, weight, volume and packaging method)。
  Contact with the shipping company and issue the shipping order, because the customer required the fastest time, so we booked the shipping space, the goods were two wooden boxes, the goods were packed by the customer and the wooden packaging was fumigated。
  With the shipping company for delivery notice, fax to the customer, let the customer arrange to send the goods to the designated warehouse。
  Make the relevant documents for export declaration, the customs agent submits the export declaration to the customs, and the customs smoothly releases it。
  The shipping company issues the confirmation of the bill of lading and confirms the bill of lading information with the customer。
  After the ship leaves, the shipping company issues the original bill of lading, and our company settles the fee with the customer。
  A month later, the customs returned the cancellation slip。
  This ticket is closed。

Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Shipping LCL agent glass engraving machine export India case |  
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