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Marine import declaration process reference

      The customs declaration process at each port is slightly different, but the basic process is basically the same. The following is the reference of the maritime import declaration process:
Customs declaration process
       1. Sort out customs declaration data
       2. The system or window accepts the declaration。
       3, after the customs review documents, tax, pay taxes。
       4, nuclear tax, if there is a customs inspection, will be based on the on-site inspection results sent to the customs to decide whether to release。
       5. Release after customs inspection。
       6. The consignee or his agent shall take delivery of the goods after release with the import delivery certificate。
Maritime import declaration
       At present, most customs areas require customs declaration before arrival at the port, so the customs declaration document needs to be prepared in advance。
       In terms of import delivery documents, some customs areas require a change of documents before customs declaration, and some require a change of documents after release。
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